A not so happy update

The last 72 hours have been rough….We were awakened early Friday morning by Nora screaming in pain. The screams were the same heartbreaking screams she made when she had her phantom limb pains, so we assumed the neuropathic pain had come back after almost 6 months of being pain free. She kept having episodes throughout Friday afternoon – 4 major (lasting more than a minute) and a couple of minor ones that only lasted a few seconds……but something was off. Back when her phantom limb pains were at their worst, she would NEVER have more than 2 episodes in a day – and within minutes of it being over, she was back to her normal happy self as if nothing had happened. Friday, however, she never snapped back to normal. She was hiding, tail tucked and not wanting to be touched. She did perk up for food and for going outside in the yard….

Early evening we couldn’t take it anymore, and rushed her to the ER at Animal Medical Center. She was assessed by their amazing ER staff who couldn’t say for sure if this was phantom limb or if there was cervical involvement. They send us home with Gabapentin and Codein and orders for strict crate rest.

We got home Friday night, but in spite of the pain meds she kept having agonizing moments of pain throughout the night. Saturday morning we made an emergency appointment to see neurology at AMC and brought her back in. The neurologist was able to find the source of her pain. Turns out she has a ruptured disc in her neck that is pressing on nerves and sending shooting pains through her body. She was given new pain meds, and orders to be on strict crate rest for the next month – with us carrying her out to poop and pee. The hope is that with proper rest, her disc will regenerate and we can avoid risky surgery. Being a tripawd in and of itself is a high impact activity…..

Nora is now finally resting comfortably in her crate. As of last night her pain meds finally kicked in and we could all get some much needed rest. We will do our very best to help Nora through this next month. She is going to hate having to be confined and restricted, but it’s worth it to make sure she never has to endure this kind of pain ever again. Lots of love, kisses and organic pumpkin filled Kongs……and her kitty brothers are watching over her as well.

22 thoughts on “A not so happy update”

  1. Wow! She has already been through so much. Glad you were able to figure this out and hope the crate rest works.

  2. Awwwww, poor Nora! And you guys! At least they were able to determine the problem and you have a path forward. You are right, just being a tripawd puts all kinds of unusual stresses on our bodies! The Oaktown Pack is sending lots of tripawd healing strength. Heal up fast Nora!

  3. Oh no! If you haven’t already found it, visit Dodgerslist. Great site on FB that addresses issues related to spinal cord problems and how to help heal and rehab. Good luck!

  4. How awful for you all….but glad you got it figured out. Here’s hoping the complete rest is helpful and uneventful. Good luck and keep us posted.

    Paula and Nitro

  5. This had to be soooo awful for you…and Nora!! It’s awful just reading through it and we weren’t even there!!

    I won’t waste my breath on saying how unfair it is…but boy oh boy, it sure is unfair!!

    Soooo glad you were avle to determine the cause and get the right meds! For whatever it’s worth, we have seen this type of disc issue vefore and meds and lots if restricted activity healed it up.

    The silver lining?? She is with you and in a furever loving home full of so much joy and happiness!! Had this happened in any other household, I shutter to think…….

    You can search the site for lots of interactive “games” and toys and “mind puzzles” you can get for dogs who have to be confined like this for awhile.

    Thank you for updating us and PLEASE keep us informed as she, slowly but surely, moves through a full recovery!!

    We love this Nora girl and we are sooo happy she knows what love and happiness feel like because of you!!

    Love and hugs!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, AND for the tip about interactive toys and mind puzzles!! We will get on that right away.

  6. Oh Nora. I sure hope you heal fast and get back to being your wonderful self. Get feeling better soon. I am glad they found what was wrong.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy.

  7. Oh sweet Nora… my heart is with you all!!! Sending you lots of love and healing energy for a speedy recovery and hopefully, no surgery! I am glad they were able to figure out what happened!

    Alison with Spirit Shelby in her heart (and little Jasper too)

  8. Oh, poor girl! Hoping for a speedy recovery! I too am glad they found the problem. She is a lucky girl to have such caring pawrents!

  9. Oh no sweet Nora! So glad you found the source of her pain and are able to hopefully treat it. Fingers & paws crossed here for an uneventful and total recovery! Please keep us posted on your beautiful girl.

  10. WHAT???? Oh my gosh I’m so sorry that happened! A ruptured disc is incredibly painful. You did good by getting her care right away, and hopefully the R&R will work its magic. Keep us posted and know that we’re all thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way.

  11. Hello,

    My Golden is a Trpawd since July. On Sunday she developed similar pain to what you are explaining. I am a vet tech and I took her to my vet and we are trying all kinds of medications, but nothing is helping. She is currently hospitalized. Can you tell me what they put your guy on that helped?

    Thank you,

    1. Oh no, I’m so sorry!!! Do they know whether this is phantom limb/neuropathic pain or an actual injury? Have they done an MRI?
      Nora is currently on a LOT of meds – some for the pain and some to keep her sedated and calm. She’s on Gabapentin, Codein Sulfate, Trazodone and Amantadine.

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